Name Country Type Code
Aunty Bose Nursery and Primary School Nigeria Education: Primary school NIG-14
Belthorn Primary School South Africa Education: Primary school ZAF-26
Bridge Boston Charter School United States of America Education: Primary school USA-32
Bright Future Primary School Gayaza Uganda Education: Primary school UGA-2
Cecilia's Children Kenya Kenya Education: Primary school KEN-104
Centro del Amanecer Ecuador Education: Primary school ECU-74
Cornerstone Nursery and Primary School Uganda Education: Primary school UGA-71
Cristo de la Calle Ecuador Education: Primary school ECU-119
Edmund Rice Catholic Education Center Kenya Education: Primary school KEN-99
Escuela Urbana Mixta Honduras Education: Primary school HON-75
Escuela Urbana Mixta “Dr. Modesto Rodas Alvarado” Honduras Education: Primary school HON-73
Escuela para Ciegos "Pilar Salinas" Honduras Education: Primary school HON-13
Grace Nursery and Primary School Tanzania Education: Primary school TZA-1
Homat Private Schools Nigeria Education: Primary school, Education: Secondary School, Education: Teaching languages NIG-6
Instituto Suizo "William Tell" Ecuador Education: Kindergarden, Education: Primary school ECU-14
Jardín de Niños “Eusebio Pineda Cantón Honduras Education: Primary school HON-48
John William Montessori School Ghana Education: Primary school GHA-78
La compañia Peru Education: Primary school, Education: Secondary School, Health: Disability PER-17
Lighthouse Mission School Ghana Education: Primary school, Education: Secondary School GHA-37
MAGESA Open School Tanzania Education: Primary school, Education: Secondary School TZA-44

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