Musuq Sunqu – Corazón Nuevo (BOL-96)
Brief description and main aims
The project seeks to provide quality nutrition to children so they are able to perform well in school and follow up their performance through pedagogical support. The project aslo aims to create a healthy leisure environment for children and allow families to work while the children are being taken care of. |
Main ActivitiesMusuq Sunqu has a soup kitchen where up to 60 children receive food daily and a working area where up to 80 primary students of local schools are supported with their homework and other educational complementary tasks. |
Volunteer tasksVolunteers will support the workers and educators by helping out in the soup kitchen, helping the children with their tasks and by carrying out activities to support their learning. |
Volunteer requirements / SkillsThe volunteer should have some knowledge of Spanish and stong skills in education or pedagogy, sports, handicraft, carpentry, bakery, nursing, child care and team work |
LocationThe project is located in Sucre. |
Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)The volunteer will live with a host family. |
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