Agerto Training Center (TGO-18)

Type: Office Work: Administration - Country: Togo

Brief description and main aims

The non-governmental organization AGERTO (Association Germano-Togolaise) offers free apprenticeship/training for orphans, half-orphans, as well as previously convicted and destitute teenagers and young adults in their centers in four cities. Trainees are officially certified by AGERTO after completing three years of learning a profession, such as carpentry, welding or tailoring. In addition, AGERTO provides a warm meal three times a week, free medical care at the organization’s own infirmary and an accommodation if necessary.

Volunteer tasks

Since the organization works closely with Germany, the volunteer is in permanent contact with German partners, meaning that the volunteer is responsible for the correspondence between Germany and Togo. Not only does this entail passing on information to donators via e-mail, Facebook and the organization's website, but also searching for new donators willing to give support for the infirmary, machinery in the workshops or offer financial aid for the centers. Moreover, it is part of the volunteer’s job to write reports about the trainees on a regular basis.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The volunteer should be open-minded and enthusiastic, well-spoken and able work independently. Equally important is being patient and knowing how to occupy oneself, as fulfilling work-related tasks is interrupted frequently due to power and internet failure. A decent fluency in French is useful, although not necessary, because the head executive of AGERTO speaks German very well.


AGERTO is located at the district of Kliguekondji on the road of Hanyigba village.

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