Jardin Etnobotanico Francisco Pelaez R. (MEX-56)

Type: Environmental/Green Projects: Environmental awareness raising - Country: Mexico

Brief description and main aims

The Ethno-botanical garden shares knowledge with visitors about the importance of the environment. The project acknowledges the garden as a community project. A community project that learns and gains new experiences through contact with natural environment.

The emphasis of the project:
  • Show the community the importance of plants, not only for its natural value but also for their utility and pleasure they provide to humans.
  • Encourage visitors to create living spaces in their homes, jobs, and schools.
  • Raise community awareness on the need for their involvement in the conservation of our natural resources.
  • Become a research and conservation center.

Main Activities

The garden project is divided into 5 areas:

PLANTS: The project creates plant collections according to types of vegetation.
INSECTS: The project creates collections according to the insects and vegetation in the garden.
BIRDS: The project raises awareness about different types of birds and the importance of protecting them. In order to do so, the project uses an interactive catalog of birds, observation tours and educational workshops.
EDUCATION: This area focuses on various activities: guided tours in the garden; workshops about plants, insects, and birds; summer school for children; volunteering, etc.
COMMUNICATION:  events with the community, use of social media, etc.

Volunteer tasks

The volunteers will participated in all the areas of the project. The specific tasks are:

  • Help in gardening activities
  • Help in the bookstore, like making index cards.
  • Collect information on the plants (inventory).
  • Welcome visitors: give a short introduction of the garden.
  • Guide tours in the garden
  • Office support: recollect and organize data
  • Cooperate and attend different events organized by the project
  • Support during the workshops for children

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The volunteer should demonstrate:
  • Real commitment to the project
  • Responsibility
  • Punctuality
  • Availability


The project is located in San Andrés Cholula. The city of Cholula is part of Puebla City's metropolitan area and there are about 118,170 inhabitants.

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

The volunteer will live with a host family.

More Information

Number of volunteers in project: 1 (maximum 6 months)

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