Name Country Type Code
Intercultural and Language (ICL) – Songkhla Thailand Education: Teaching languages THA-1
Intercultural and Language (ICL)- Phayao Thailand Education: Teaching languages THA-3
Joutseno Folk High School Finland Education: Teaching languages FIN-33
Kainuu College Finland Education: Teaching languages FIN-30
La Consolacion College (LCC)- Bais Philippines Education: Teaching languages PHL-44
Mangwoo Youth Center South Korea Education: Teaching languages SKO-22
Manye Foundation School Ghana Education: Teaching languages GHA-82
Mathilda L. Bradford Christian School Inc. Philippines Education: Teaching languages PHL-86
NPO Aozora Kenbun Juku Japan Education: Teaching languages JAP-22
Nguyen Tat Thanh School (English teaching) Vietnam Education: Teaching languages VNM-127
Peace Village Thailand Education: Teaching languages THA-5
Pesantren Project Indonesia Education: Teaching languages IDN-27
Primary and Secondary Schools teaching assistant (aged 6-16) Denmark Education: Teaching languages DEN-22
Programa Inclusivo Multicultural Originario Kañari ¨PRIMOK S.A.S¨. Ecuador Education: Teaching languages ECU-118
Scholar Support Morocco Education: Teaching languages MOR-30
Slum Area Project Indonesia Education: Teaching languages IDN-31
Sri Maitri Association India Education: Teaching languages IND-108
Swiss-Mura Japan Education: Teaching languages JAP-13
Tainan Municipal AnPing Junior High School Taiwan Education: Teaching languages TAI-44
Tainan Municipal Baihe Junior High School Taiwan Education: Teaching languages TAI-48

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