LGU Tudela, Camotes, Cebu: MENRO (PHL-95)

Type: Environmental/Green Projects: Environmental awareness raising - Country: Philippines

Brief description and main aims

The Municipal Environment and Natural Resources (MENRO) of LGU Tudela maintains cleanliness and sanitation,regulation of natural wealth, reforestation and material recovery of waste materials , and develops plans and strategies for the environmental programs and projects. Project activities include Solid Waste Management ( Waste Segregation),regulation on use of non-biodegradable materials , Mangrove forest conservation, Tree Planting and Community clean up drives.

Main Activities

To increase knowledge and awareness of environmental protection and conservation and to promote positive environmental strategies related to solid waste management. Support the protection, and restoration of the environment, promote proper waste management to halt biodiversity loss.

Volunteer tasks

Strengthening of local ordinances and helps implement other related laws on environmental protection and conservation. Volunteers depending on skill set may be tasked to Assist the organization's office and field work which include but not limited to the following: developments of promotional and presentation materials, concluding advocacy campaigns in schools, communities, and institutions as well as developments of promotional and presentation materials, concluding advocacy campaigns in schools, communities, and institutions as well as Assist during training/capacity-building programs, community visits, and other community development related work Assist in the writing of proposals for grants/donations and other resource mobilization activities Participate in the clean-up drive, greening projects, mangrove projects, and other activities of the agency.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

Flexible, open-minded and able to adapt the local situation Open in presentation and communication skills Innovative, industrious, and creative.


Camotes, Cebu 

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

Living with host family (expect to have a shared room with your host sister or brother), Project Institution

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