CESMAR - Centro Marista (BRA-47)

Type: Human Rights: Children Rights - Country: Brazil

Brief description and main aims

Founded in 1996, CESMAR is a Catholic social centre that provides alternative education and social opportunities for at risk children and adolescents aged from 3 to 19 years old. CESMAR's main aims are to promote children and adolescents physical integrity, a regular intellectual and emotional growth and a happy childhood in a safe environment. 
CESMAR provides professional psychological and pedagogic advise when necessary and offers learning opportunities through informal education and leisure activities.

Main Activities

The project assists directly about 1500 people, offering the community internet, a library, dentist assistance, legal and psychological support for the families etc. for free.

This is a very big social project with many buildings, sports facilities and a good structure, so it can provide many kinds of activities and workshops (sports, informatics, language lessons, dance, art workshops, theatre, ecological workshops, music, capoeira, special trip and so on). It  also has a lot of open space, including nature and animals, so there are recycling and ecological workshops and children learn to take care of animals. In special occasions the educators organize dance, theatre or music performances with the children too.

Located on the same grounds as Cesmar, there is a marista high school that offers education to about 360 students. The school is the result of a long-standing demand of the local community . It provides quality education for children and young people in situations of social vulnerability. There is also a Technological Education center comprises a part of human development , economic growth, social justice and environmental protection. There are developed various leadership projects and empowerment of young people and adults of the community. 

Volunteer tasks

Volunteers will:
  • assist staff with general non-formal education
  • be involved in all recreational and sport activities 
According to the project needs and the volunteer’s experiences and skills, Cesmar offers a wide space of several proposals of activities that can be developed by the volunteer.
There is the possibility to give English lessons at the high school. Volunteers with very good language skills and work experience might be able to join projects at the Technological Education center.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The role of the volunteers in the social project is important. The educators are expecting a volunteer who will be enthusiastic and willing to get involved. Most projects don't have a specific role to offer for the volunteer. The volunteer should strive, be creative and self-confident to develop their own activities/workshops while keeping in mind the responsibility of asking the people involved (project coordinators, staff) about the possibilities of doing such things.


 The project is located in Porto Alegre.

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

The volunteer will live with a host family. 

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