Instituto de Terapia e Investigación (ITEI) (BOL-34)

Type: Human Rights: Advocacy - Country: Bolivia

Brief description and main aims

The ITEI is an interdisciplinary institute designed to serve people affected directly and indirectly, by torture and violence, through processes that facilitate their rehabilitation. On the other hand, it aims to form a collective consciousness about the consequences of state violence and repair, helping to create a socio-historical memory that will benefit the eradicationof these practices in Bolivia.

Main Activities

Contribute to the prevention of disorders caused by torture and state violence, providing integrated care, both psychotherapeutic and medical, social and legal assistance to those affected and their families and communities. Interdisciplinary teams train and work with the ITEI, in different parts of the country to attend to people affected by torture and state violence. Create a space that allows save social memory, through monitoring of clinical cases. Conduct epidemiological research on the aftermath of political violence and its repair. To investigate the subjective impact of state violence at individual and collective. Diagnose the need and demand quality and quantity of rehabilitation services for people affected, in order to develop a strategy forlong term care.

Volunteer tasks

Office work, case tracking, visits to prisons, working with victims of torture and state violence, translations, human rights campaigns.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The volunteer work collaboratively with all areas of ITEI when has no professional training. Volunteers with specific training in certain areas (sociology, anthropology, research, psychology etc) might work with a professional given area according to the needs and competencies of ITEI professionals. Knowledge is required in any of the following areas: communication, law, psychology, social work.


The organization is located in La Paz.

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

The volunteer will live with a host family.

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