PRADOS (Centro de rehabilitación para drogadictos y alcohólicos) (BOL-22)

Type: Health: Rehalibitation - Country: Bolivia

Brief description and main aims

PRADOS is a rehabilitation center for alcoholics and drug addicts who want to quit and get out of their depression.

Main Activities

PRADOS offers the individuals who have decided to seek help and support alternatives and trains them in some manual job such as carpentry, wall painting, cooking, etc.

Volunteer tasks

The volunteer's main duties consist of participating in the workshops, encouraging the participants and talking to them.

Volunteer requirements / Skills

The volunteer should:

  • be preferably a man
  • have some handicraft skills in order to hold some workshops himself
  • show the correct attitude (such as not to smoke in the center)
  • be easygoing
  • be creative
  • cheer up the participants


The project is located in Sucre.

Hosting Situation (Board and Lodging)

The volunteer will live with a host family.

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