Name Country Type Code
ICBA - Instituto Cultural Boliviano-Alemán Bolivia Education: Teaching languages BOL-114
ICYE Bolivia - National Office Bolivia Office Work: Communication BOL-110
IDA (Audiological Institute) Bolivia Health: Disability BOL-41
Instituto Psicopedagógico "San Juan de Dios" Bolivia Health: Disability, Health: Rehalibitation BOL-23
Instituto de Terapia e Investigación (ITEI) Bolivia Human Rights: Advocacy BOL-34
Inter Stars Soccer School Bolivia Socially Excluded Groups: Minorities BOL-103
Mano Diversa Bolivia Human Rights: LGBTIQ Rights BOL-113
Maya Paya Kimsa Initiative Bolivia Human Rights: Children Rights BOL-78
Musuq Sunqu – Corazón Nuevo Bolivia Human Rights: Children Rights BOL-96
PRADOS (Centro de rehabilitación para drogadictos y alcohólicos) Bolivia Health: Rehalibitation BOL-22
PRO-VIDA (Fundación de asistencia al anciano) Bolivia Health: Elderly BOL-97
Pastoral Social Cáritas (PASOC) Bolivia Socially Excluded Groups: Minorities BOL-86
Performing Life – Fundación EnseñARTE Bolivia Socially Excluded Groups: Street children BOL-53
Proyecto Horizonte USHPA-USHPA Bolivia Human Rights: Women Rights BOL-51
Psiquiátrico San Juan de Dios Bolivia Health: Rehalibitation BOL-40
Sayariy Warmi (Levántate mujer) Bolivia Human Rights: Women Rights, Human Rights: Children Rights BOL-94
Sol En Casa - Yanapasayku Bolivia Health: Disability BOL-111
The Center for Rehabilitation and Mental Health "San Juan de Dios" Bolivia Health: Rehalibitation BOL-81
Unidad Educativa "Obispo Anaya" Bolivia Human Rights: Children Rights BOL-29

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